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The new paradigm of a data-driven justice system will provide big data with large amounts of information that is difficult to process. To do so requires the implementation of artificial intelligence to facilitate rapid processing for intelligent justice. This project is initially developed by means of two sub-projects: Artificial Intelligence for the Efficiency of Justice (17.1) and Codification Commission Promotion (17.2).

There is an enormous amount of information in the administrative and judicial fields that prevents an effective exploitation of the information, hinders the enforcement of public policies, and takes no advantage of the opportunities for improvement and management provided by Artificial Intelligence.

The 2019-2023 European e-Justice Action Plan includes, as one of its key elements, the advancement of artificial intelligence application in the field of Justice by better defining its implications in this field. To this end, the Plan establishes two objectives:

  • Defining the role that artificial intelligence could play in the field of Justice. 
  • Developing an AI tool for court decisions analysis.

On the other hand, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe - contemplating that Artificial Intelligence can contribute towards improving the efficiency and quality of the work of the courts - has adopted the first European text that establishes ethical principles related to the use of Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems.

In line with these trends, and as part of the Ministry of Justice's drive towards digital transformation, the following actions will be carried out:

  • Employing Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Judicial Analytics. Using the data contained in documents and the audiovisual information of the Administration of Justice, cataloging them and extracting relevant information.
  • Taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence to improve management and knowledge, thus providing not only information exploitation, but also process improvement.
  • Data-driven legislative developments, smart regulation (data-driven legislative policy, impact and litigation associated with legal standards, corrective actions, etc.).
  • Enabling the automatic translation of rules and resolutions into the co-official languages of the state.
  • Implementing a comprehensive Open Data Policy for the Administration of Justice; structures and criteria for Open Justice and Access to Knowledge.

The General Codification Commission is a collegiate body with two centuries of history that has focused on the preparation of pre-legislative and regulatory texts for the better orientation, preservation and protection of the legal system. Social changes have sped up and require better legal framework synchronization, early conflict identification and anticipation of problems.

Digital transformation creates the opportunity to improve the Commission's efficiency in its competencies and to synchronize them with reality within shorter time periods. The objective is to take advantage of the implementation of technological tools to generate control panels that facilitate its task. The data coming from the management of the file and the data pool, as well as its treatment with artificial intelligence, will allow for the development of two lines:

  • Identification of most common conflicts and the rules that are most cited in order to have clear analyses for legislative action.
  • Rapid harmonization of regulatory changes. This line of work in coordination with the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, which is responsible for legislative harmonization.

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