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Digitization allows for the decentralization of procedural processing and gives a new shape to the Public Justice Service. This possibility becomes urgent and necessary in the context of the pandemic. The aim of the project is to implement actions that allow telematic management through three sub-projects:

Digital immediacy and non face-to-face services. It will cover all aspects related to remote citizen assistance during their dealings with the Administration of Justice and dependent bodies, by offering broad-spectrum solutions that can be reused by all actors, thus constituting a Country Project based on the secure identification of its citizens and companies through agile methods, to generate legal security among its citizens and new business opportunities.

Secure digital immediacy will improve the user experience of citizens and companies in their dealings with the Administration of Justice and associated groups.

It is a system that is going to be developed in the field of Justice Administration but that can be used by other administrations. The aim is to make the most of the administrations’ resources, thus improving efficiency for citizens.

Digital Public Faith. The digital transformation in which the Ministry of Justice is immersed covers all the areas that fall within its competence, including, therefore, the way in which Notaries and Registrars carry out their functions.

In this regard, the aim is to carry out various actions aimed at facilitating those measures that minimize the face-to-face relationship within the field of Notaries and Registrars. The aim is to have the capacity to carry out actions with citizens using digital information systems / cl@ve so that they can carry out actions via video conference, and eliminate paper-based information exchanges with public administrations as well, by steering the exchanges towards electronic means.

Relocated workplace and teleworking. The new data-driven electronic file, in conjunction with the implementation of the Trial Courts and the Judicial Office, will allow for the work of the Administration of Justice’s operators to take place off-site.

A distinction will be made between relocated work and teleworking. Relocated work or off-site work allows a service operator to work on their Judicial Office from the physical court location near them. At times, a person will be able to work at the judicial headquarters in their city of residence even if their job is at the judicial headquarters in another city. The Justice Offices in the municipalities also have this function. This possibility has positive impacts on work-life balance, the reduction of the carbon footprint due to better mobility and allows remote work without losing the positive socialization of a personal working relationship.

The new needs arising from the coronavirus crisis have shown that it is sometimes not only possible, but desirable, for public employees to provide their services from their own homes. This reduces unnecessary mobility and the concentration of people in enclosed spaces to a minimum. In these cases, it is necessary to regulate teleworking, since the rights and obligations of teleworking employees undergo changes that must be negotiated with their representatives and must be balanced with the needs of the organization and the service. In addition, the Ministry of Justice, within the framework of the new co-governance system, has reached a consensus with the Autonomous Communities which possess competences in matters of Justice regarding a common protocol, so that the regulation is as homogeneous as possible throughout the state.

Both of these job performances are linked to what is outlined in project 4. Access and professional development, and a demand for performance measurement indicators to be oriented towards objective achievement and not attendance.

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