
Legal Professionals

The core of the program is to reassure legal operators during the transformation process in order to reduce uncertainty.

The transformation does not imply, in any case, a reduction in the number of people who take part in the Administration of Justice, but it does imply a change in professional performance. The digitization of tools and processes means redirecting the development of professional skills, which shall evolve to take on different activities. A redesign of the professional framework is necessary, not only because of the transition to digital tools, teleworking and telematic trials, which require new skills, but also because of the new challenges we face.

The operators’ security requires training for current and future operators, who must have the appropriate prior training for the transformation. The speed of the process makes it necessary to develop online training as much as possible.

Finally, the new teleworking and relocated work framework creates new conditions that allow for decisive action on equality and work-life balance.